Page name: Storm Lovers Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-24 01:05:42
Last author: maddydukes72
Owner: maddydukes72
# of watchers: 25
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Storm Lovers Unite


Me, [maddydukes72], and [Kurus_Dreaon] love storms. Is there anyone else out there?

hey idk what else to post so feel free to post stuff here, like if theres a storm hitting, or u got ur own storm pix or sumthing

Storm Lovers
Storm Banners

Username (or number or email):


2004-07-05 [Kurus_Dreaon]: YES!!!!HA it

2004-07-05 [maddydukes72]: love it as much as you love me?

2004-07-06 [Kurus_Dreaon]: hmmm...almost...i think you end up a lil hogher on the chart *smiles* great banner to *grins*

2004-07-10 [maddydukes72]: good bc u are very high up on my chart, especially for sumone so far from here .thanks about the banner, i know how much you love me and my banners, hopefully me more then the banners too ;-)

2004-07-10 [Kurus_Dreaon]: hmm....i think i love ya more then the banners...i mean i love the banners but....hmmm....yah i think ya beat em by i tiny bit there *winks*

2004-07-10 [Cloudwatcher]: cHO! lol i do like the banner also..! you should make one with a tornado also! ^O^ lol i will put both

2004-07-10 [maddydukes72]: ill make one with a tonado then, since im loved..i mean my banners are

2004-07-11 [Kurus_Dreaon]: you and your banners are loved......but that would be cool

2004-07-12 [maddydukes72]: has everyone seen the new ones?

2004-07-12 [schizoid]: I have! they're cool!

2004-07-13 [maddydukes72]: why thank you

2004-07-13 [Kurus_Dreaon]: very alwasy

2004-07-13 [maddydukes72]: :-)

2004-07-14 [Alkor]: joined

2004-07-14 [maddydukes72]: good for you, remember to post banner

2004-07-14 [Alkor]: i did...i have a wiki for my banners

2004-07-14 [Kurus_Dreaon]: sweet

2004-07-14 [Alkor]: but ppl have to make banners though

2004-07-14 [Kurus_Dreaon]: umm..there are some under storm banners up there

2004-07-15 [maddydukes72]: look at the Storm Banners link

2004-07-15 [Kurus_Dreaon]: si...there are very good banners....made by the ever wonderful and talented [maddydukes72] *smiles* shes the best

2004-07-15 [maddydukes72]: *blushing*

2004-07-15 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *hugs* its true...i know it and so do you *grins*

2004-07-16 [maddydukes72]: that i make good banners...but im not the best

2004-07-17 [Kurus_Dreaon]: well....there is always some one better...but you are one of the least in my there

2004-07-17 [maddydukes72]: thats good to know :-D

2004-07-18 [Kurus_Dreaon]: actually...i think you are THE best at banner making in my book....among other things

2004-07-18 [maddydukes72]: what other things?

2004-07-20 [Lodemai]: just got dun storming here!! was awesome!!.

2004-07-20 [maddydukes72]: cool what kinda storm? lightning hitting the ground and shaking thinkgs? hurricane? details?

2004-07-21 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yes please........and to anwser your question maddydukes, you is the bestest friend ever

2004-07-21 [maddydukes72]: yay  *does happy dance*

2004-07-22 [Kisama]: How would I go about posting a Banner I made for this??? I don't have a website or anything to put it on

2004-07-22 [Kurus_Dreaon]: i dont know how she does it...ask maddydukes..she knows.....when she gets back on she will tell you

2004-07-22 [Kisama]: otay, Tahnk

2004-07-22 [maddydukes72]: u upload it into ur house and then take then code and put it here

2004-07-22 [Kisama]: oh ok

2004-07-22 [maddydukes72]: what did u have in mind i love new banner ideas mine are ok, but other ppl usualy have great ideas

2004-07-22 [Kisama]: I have it on my other Computer, It is being stupid and Ignoring the Connection, It is a thundercloud overhead, there isn't any lightning in it it is just like dark ominous clouds

2004-07-22 [maddydukes72]: thats cool

2004-07-22 [Kisama]: AHAHAHAHAH STORM RIGHT NOW< ~Runs outside with his camera~

2004-07-23 [Kurus_Dreaon]: YAY!!!!! good storm i passed by me *pouts* didnt even rain

2004-07-23 [maddydukes72]: i havent had a good storm in a while!

2004-07-23 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Kur!!!!!!!! *hugs* I didn't know you were in here. ^_^

2004-07-24 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yup im here.....ive been here sice this wiki began havent i maddydukes?...i think i have

2004-07-24 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Aye, you are the first one on the members list. ^_^ 

2004-07-24 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yup yup i am

2004-07-24 [maddydukes72]: yes me and u were the original 2 here,

2004-07-24 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Hello Maddydukes. ^_^ How are you?

2004-07-24 [maddydukes72]: i am better then b4

2004-07-24 [Kurus_Dreaon]: good to hear....

2004-07-24 [maddydukes72]: thanks but stupid ppl suck, lol thats why im not great just better then b4, i keep getting into trouble!

2004-07-24 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: yo yo yo yo yo!! hey all my lovin peeps out there!! oi >__< dont judge me by that *cough.. to the point.... i have a nifty "badge wannabe" maybe yall would like to check it out? its like at the bottom of my page - its a picture of this awesome sunset with this SPECTACULAR lightening bolt- i swear the photographer was like... woa i bet he was amazed to say the least ;) check it out, if you please! maybe ya'll would want to have it as another storm lovers unit badge, eh? ^_^ ciao

2004-07-24 [maddydukes72]: <img:>

2004-07-24 [maddydukes72]: is that what u had in mind???

2004-07-25 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: yea yea ^_^ your most welcome and thank you

2004-07-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: awsomeness......and yes tuoid ppl can sorry they are a problem for you right now

2004-07-25 [maddydukes72]: thank you 4 the cool pic

2004-07-25 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: my pleasure :)  who ppl can suck? did u mean utoid? o_O as in utah? yea.. -_____- they can get on ya nerves damn quick heh.. but most of the time theyre pretty.. er.. *cough.. nice ^^ not very spontaneous tho... x_x

2004-07-25 [maddydukes72]: lol kurus meant stupid bc b4 i asked about ur banner thingy i said that stupid ppl suck he just cant spell but i love him anyway

2004-07-25 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: lol well ok then ^_^ oh, btw~ i was fiddling around with fonts and thigns.. i thought it looked kind of neat to have a turqouis lettering over a black lettering in 'viner hand itc' font ~_^ check it out.. mm?

2004-07-25 [maddydukes72]: umm ok ill go see :-D

2004-07-25 [TeH KeLLZ0rs]: im hoping for a good lightning storm soon!! the way wanna add me to the members list?

2004-07-25 [maddydukes72]: u can add urself, go to Storm Lovers and add ur name by editing

2004-07-26 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: lol that sounded so nice " ADD YOURSELF!!!! " ^^;; 

2004-07-26 [maddydukes72]: lol, i got the northen hospitality in me, dont u know

2004-07-27 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: how northern is northern?

2004-07-27 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: <----- what do all these numbers mean? are they the time? cuz.. its like 7:42 pm here, yet it says like 1:35 or somethin.... o____O .. just wondering heh

2004-07-27 [maddydukes72]: i think its supposed ot be time, but im not sure from where, and northen in new england

2004-07-27 [Kurus_Dreaon]: lol....yup yup....go you...and yah its et i know when ppl said what ever they said

2004-07-27 [maddydukes72]: oo right.....

2004-07-28 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: heh.. well ok then.. *sigh.. sometimes i wish i had no emotion... eh?

2004-07-28 [Kurus_Dreaon]: trust me i know how ya feel...ive gotten to bad points cuz i to talk about it?...ill can im me if ya dont wanna talk about it here

2004-07-28 [maddydukes72]: same here, im here to listen, emotions can suck really bad, and ive been through alot with sum ppl and places, so just lemme know if i can help

2004-07-28 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: hehe.. awww *hugs -feels all warm and fuzzy inside .. heh, first for that- ppl usually tell me to feck off and quit whining x_x

2004-07-28 [Kurus_Dreaon]: ive gotten that to...but those ppl are not always very sensitive ppl....i i dont say that kinda stuff...if i can help i please feel free to tell us whats up and we will do what we can to help ya out

2004-07-29 [Marhiah]: can i join? if so message me

2004-07-29 [dragging behind u the silent reproach]: ^^ much obliged, kurus... ~feh, i was in a mood i suppose, as anyone would get from time to time i suppose.. im listening to 'frank lloyd wright' by simon & garfunkel, lovely song..... we had a gorgeous lightening storm last night, heh to wash away all the negative things i suppose, eh? *smiles softly.. bless those things! =)  ... i love the flute in this song~ i can play it! ^^;;

2004-07-30 [Kurus_Dreaon]: sweetness.......cery cool...and yes [Marhiah] ya can join

2004-07-31 [rustyrose2]: wiiiiind! what about wind? storms are nothing without wiiind! ^-^ I always feel I need to ask::: may I join too?

2004-08-01 [maddydukes72]: yes u may, its open to n e one who loves n e part of storms, even wind :-p

2004-08-01 [rustyrose2]: Ehehe. Why thank u then ^.^!

2004-08-01 [Kurus_Dreaon]: hehe...yes....storms are great...but huge gusts of wind are the best.....except for rain...nothin beats the rain

2004-08-01 [rustyrose2]: Yea, rain is very lovely too, I like falling asleep listening to to -.-

2004-08-01 [maddydukes72]: we were suppoed to get thunderstorms, but so far its just light rain...very disapointing

2004-08-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: sorry *hugs* we havent had any good storms while ive been here...everytimei go to work it storms like crazy....but its over before i get back

2004-08-02 [maddydukes72]: news ppl suck, they all lie, they keep going on about big thunder storms and there hasnt been one in over a month!!!

2004-08-02 [rustyrose2]: hehe, i hear i live in the thunderstorm capital of Canada, or sumthing like that. We've had rain three nights in a row (never during the day though :( !) and now its blue skies and sunny weather. ick.

2004-08-03 [Kurus_Dreaon]: sowwy...i havent had one in a while that i know of...unless my memory is gone

2004-08-05 [barutha]: hooraaaaaaaayyyyy its storming right now and it runs me on. woops, did i say that? yes. no lghtning though.

2004-08-05 [rustyrose2]: darn : / aah, but its sunny where i am (drastically sunny) i think i'm gonna shrivel! >.<! o well, at least theres a cool breeze ^-^

2004-08-05 [barutha]: i justy hope theres lightning because i really want ot photgraph it.

2004-08-05 [rustyrose2]: ooo that would be so wicked!!

2004-08-06 [Calarista]: Storm Lovers....hum...sounds kinky..hehe..

2004-08-06 [Kurus_Dreaon]: lol...oh it can be hehe

2004-08-06 [maddydukes72]: ooo definatly, lol, maybe we should make a seperate page for that, lol

2004-08-06 [*slipknot-rock*]: hi

2004-08-06 [rustyrose2]: hey there :P

2004-08-07 [maddydukes72]: hoooowdy, welcome to my wiki

2004-08-07 [rustyrose2]: an awesome wiki! ;) ^^

2004-08-07 [rustyrose2]: O.O! I just realised I didn't put a banner/badge for this wiki in my house!! Must do that now!!

2004-08-07 [Kurus_Dreaon]: lol...yEs you must muahahaha

2004-08-07 [schizoid]: that is one thing you must do! it is imparative!

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